Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Accept no imitations!


Current mood:annoyed

Recently I've noticed a disturbing phenomenon on Google: when I Google my own name,someone else with the name "Justin Sison" appears in the search results! Sure, he's Filipino, but he's also younger and his writing has that annoying AsIaN AlTeRnAtInG CaPs style that I thought (or at least, hoped) had died out years ago. At least I was still on top due to my work as a teenager with too much free time at GameFAQs.

Until today.

I won't post the link (no reason to cement its position as the #1 site when searching for "Justin Sison"), but apparently my imposter is on his friend's admittedly popular blog. Yes, it's another boring, slipshod, no-content teenager blog. The choice of colors (light-colored text on a light-colored background?) leaves you little recourse but to highlight the whole site with Ctrl A, but the font size is so small it renders the blog illegible anyway.

Let's get rid of this injustice. I need you fine folks to search for my name everyday. Use these terms:

- justin sison triple lei (takes you here)
- justin sison ss minnow (takes you here)

Spread the word - blogs, forum signatures... every bit helps! I never thought I would have to struggle to keep myself at the top of a Google search results page when the search terms aremy own name! Is it too much to ask that he remain unpopular on the internet and in the real world for the rest of his life?

I guess this takes my self-hating to new heights (depths?). I've never met my imposter, but I'm pretty sure... I don't like him.

(I'd write something appropriate in Japanese but the MySpace blog system is still retarded)

Monday, June 19, 2006

Japan Club slogans for flyers


I was up at around 2:00 am the other day and I came up with these:

  • THE JAPAN CLUB: More than an anime club... but we're praying for an end to the Naruto fillers too!

  • So you learned how to use chopsticks, prefer green tea to soda, and know the words to every Ayumi Hamasaki song, yet that Japanese girlfriend you've always wanted remains tantalizingly out of reach. You might have better luck by joining... THE JAPAN CLUB.

  • Interested in anything Japanese? Then you might want to consider joining... THE JAPAN CLUB. BYOB! (Bring Your Own Boxes of Pocky)

  • Thinking about getting a cool Asian character tattoo? We'll not only tell you the meanings but the culture behind it as well. THE JAPAN CLUB.

  • THE JAPAN CLUB: Because all the cool Japanese phrases aren't taught in class!

  • Cost of a Nintendo Wii: $199
    Cost of a Sony PS3: $599
    Cost of joining the Japan Club: free

  • THE JAPAN CLUB: Because we all drive Japanese cars, right?

I tried to cover every angle with these. Of course, given the time that I wrote these, some of these may be sort of... out there... and I'm not in any mood to start judging them now. I'm leaving the actual flyer creation to the Photoshop goddess, the Japan Club Treasurer.

Sunday, June 11, 2006



Here's my small write-up on Chris's graduation party:


And so, the downhill ride of my life begins one year early.


[music|Suneohair - ワルツ]

Yesterday was my buddy Chris's graduation party. I went with Sean and his g/f and it took us 30-40 minutes to get there (Angela said she "had plans"... so I guess that's that). And when we got there... wow, what a house! It was easily five times the size of my own. We met his own tall & skinny vegetarian friends too and I forgot their names within seconds (to my regret). The food was great, and later we bet on a mechanical ostrich and kangaroo.

Still, I wasn't completely happy. With Chris gone and graduated (along with three others from our class also at the party), Japanese is really not going to be anymore fun. I love everyone in our upper-level class, and classes with them were always fun "breaks" from the tedium of the language classes. I was close with them, but because they were a year ahead and at least a few years older, there was always a certain level of admiration... which for me is the ideal relationship. And now they're gone.

And it wouldn't be a stretch to say that Chris is the coolest person I've ever met, on- or offline. As apparently one of the few people in our classes who didn't already know Japanese (or some other foreign language), we always got along well, finding fault with as many things as we could. There were plenty of good times (like when we went to the Japan museum in Little Tokyo as a Japan Club activity), and not many bad times, though that "grammaticalization" nightmare a year ago comes to mind. Chris, my friend, we may never fully grasp the proper usage of 「は」 and 「が」、 but I know you'll do fine in Japan and in life.