Thursday, September 22, 2011

Weird-ass dream (2011.09.22)

I dreamed I was able to log back into my original account that was banned, and although I wasn't able to post, I could still view everything I uploaded.

This is probably the least puzzling dream I had because someone told me his YouTube account got banned last night, and revoking comment and upload privileges for a number of years instead of outright bans would have been my preferred solution to "copyright concerns."

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Some more shiat people shouldn't care about

For the past few days, I've been receiving work almost exactly at the same time I check for it, sometimes even before my Gmail Manager notification kicks in!

And after sticking with the same Street Fighter configuration for nearly two decades, I've decided to switch:
L Punch = Triangle / M Punch = L / H Punch = Square
L Kick = Circle / M Kick = R / H Kick = X

This configuration is more uniform and, more importantly, allows me to spam L Kick. M Punch is now the hardest button to reach, which is fine.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Weird-ass dream (2011.09.05)

So among other messed up things that happened in my dream (that I can't remember, obviously), I remember paying $8 for ramen at some ramen restaurant, but it turned out to be a half-full cup ramen. Sucks...