Friday, September 21, 2012

iOS6 sucks for music podcasts

I used to be able to go directly to the track I liked in Jaytech Music Podcasts on my iPod touch and now I can't! Thanks a lot, Apple...

Update: Just delete the podcast app (don't worry when it says it'll delete all your data - my podcasts stayed), close the podcast app, close the music app, shut down your iPod touch, and restart. Podcasts will play from your music app again!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Space Channel 5

Been playing a lot of Space Channel 5 Part 2 (which was on sale last week), and that made me go back to the first Space Channel 5.

For some reason, I was missing some beats (both Dreamcast and PS2 versions), and I had no idea why. Was the timing stricter? Sort of. A little more practice and I discovered that with all the dance battles (as opposed to shooting battles) in the first section of the first stage, you have to hit chu a split second after you'd think you were supposed to hit it. This might apply to other dancing battles (the last set in Jaguar's battle in stage 2 comes to mind).

Friday, September 7, 2012

Cool sci-fi dream

Dreamed of a cool idea that was a cross sort of between Flashforward and Sliders. This one involved freezing time and a post-apocalyptic world...