Monday, June 27, 2005

Tags, Grads, Games, and Grades


Long overdue, but I was busy and lazy. And I don't know five people on LJ.

List five songs that you are currently digging ... it doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now.

Post these instructions, the artist, and the song in your blog along with your five songs. Then tag five other people to see what they're listening to.

  1. Penny Tai - 你要的愛 (Meteor Garden Ending Theme)
  2. The Tick (1994) - Opening Theme
  3. Hitoshi Sakimoto - 編成画面 (Final Fantasy Tactics OST)
  4. Hitoshi Sakimoto - Universe -Stage1- (Gradius V OST)
  5. Hideaki Kobayashi - Pioneer2 (Phantasy Star Online OST)

Things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make a list, post it to your journal... and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.

  1. Working out (It's like leveling up your own body! "HP Up!")... but for stress, nothing beats punching air or walls.
  2. Watching / reading about old TV shows
  3. Playing / reading about old video games
  4. The whole C/J/K drama and movie scene
  5. Card houses?

Tagged by [info]atozuka

I can't say I have anyone for the meme, though. Well actually I might, but actually posting the name would just be asking for trouble. So forget it!


My older cousin graduated a while ago. Now the pressure's on (again) for me to do just as well! Geez. And I know I'll hear the same stupid comments when any of my older relatives get married. 放っておけよ!

I think I'm supposed to go to the (semi-formal) graduation party on Friday. And I may or may not have to bring someone... but uh... yeah. (Free food, anyone?)


I don't have the time or patience to learn any new game so I've been playing Final Fantasy Tactics, which I've had since high school. It takes me back to (generally) happier times... plus I didn't really get the story back then and I didn't get everything so it's like a new game. The FAQs available really make the experience complete.


ENGL 301: "A". I was more confident of my "A" for that class than in Japanese!

ENGL 405: "B". Can't complain... this was the "40% homework, 60% final" class. I got an "A" on the homework, but the final was surprisingly hard! Still love the class though. Frankly, I didn't know what I would get for the class.

JAPN 200C: "A". I was half an hour late to the final because of traffic caused by that stupid hostage situation. I happened to be wearing a hat that day, so now whenever I put on that hat I'll be thinking of that damn day!

JAPN 450: "B+". I didn't know what I'd be getting for this class either, but why couldn't I have gotten the "A"?! I wouldn't be so upset if I just got a regular "B"!

I'm not too thrilled about the classes I have now... but that's another post.

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