Monday, March 7, 2005

Saturday - the best day ever?


Ok, so Saturday was two days ago. And yeah, I really should be studying right now. But last Saturday (3/5) was just so nice I have to write about it before I forget it all!

I owe most of the great experience to Sam. He picked me up at my house and before going to school to work on the role play, we stopped by his house where I met his VERY nice sister and father. He also treated me to some VERY good wontons! After saying 再見 we were off to school.

The roleplay was... um, fine, even without a Japanese tutor to make sure everything was ok. It's probably not going to win any awards, though. Giggle

Then we were off to Kinokuniya! He used those certificates he won and I bought some really good books: Jazz Up Your Japanese with Onomatopoeia and 日英故事ことわざ辞典 (Japanese-English Proverbs Dictionary). I think between these books, the three kanji dictionaries and the two grammar dictionaries that I already have (not to mention the internet), I have all the references I need.

Amazingly, he treated me to some curry rice at one of the places nearby. So, so good. おごってくれてありがとうね!

Later on my brother came by and we watched Ong-Bak... again! (I watched it the day after, too - yes, it really is that good!)

Even at night, I was able to watch episode 7 of ごくせん and episode 1 of Sassy Girl, Chun-hyang. It's actually airing right now (KXLA 44, Monday & Tuesday, from about 9:45 to 10:25), but as always, the episodes we see here are heavily edited from the original episodes shown in Korea - I'm talking at least 20 minutes cut out.

Of course by then it was about 2:00 am. What a day. (A great day for a change!)

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