Friday, March 25, 2005



Yes, "ouch" is precisely the right word...

Ouch... I didn't even get to do half of what I planned to do over this painfully short spring break. I slept most of it away and now someone gave me something to translate (though that last part wasn't entirely a complaint).

Oooh, ouch... I just found out my grades for the winter quarter. My GPA took a hit. I was a little disappointed with one class (ENG 401) - I thought I totally rocked the final, but I guess it was a "B" like everything else in that class. I really thought I would get an "A" on the final, though... just look at my beautifully crafted 3 x 5 index card (pics: 1 | 2)! As for my other class (KIN 345), I got a "B", and I really don't know what to make of it. I didn't know what I got on my mid-term (I think someone took my scantron) so I didn't know what grade I had coming into the final, but I did the five internet assignments and a... competent... job on the final paper. Japanese was just fine.

...OUCH! I am in physical pain right now since I decided to run (then walk, then jog, then walk again) to some place a little farther than Rosemead High School. I didn't know exactly where I wanted to go, but that was ok. I just needed to get out of the house! This act is apparently punishable because a few hours later, my ankles felt like they would fall off at any moment. Plus it now hurts when I laugh or cough, and I'm coughing a lot. Still, if there's anything I learned from that KIN 345 class (Physiological Effects of Exercise during Aging), it's that as we get older, it's all downhill, so we should get into a habit of exercising now. I've found some helpful info about exercising in these threads, though: "How do you work out?" and "The Gym Thread: Post your sessions here...".

I hope I'm not alone looking forward to school! (not the actual "learning" part... the meeting people part)

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