Friday, November 10, 2006

Museum fun


Today I was at the Japanese American National Museum with the beauteous Rosa for extra credit for ML 400. It was pretty much how I remembered it from a year ago when I went with Chris and Mayumi... minus the Taiko drums, which I looked forward to seeing again.

There were students from Japan as well, and those girls were something else...

Note to self: ALWAYS bring the DS Lite whenever I go out! Sure, the battery light was showing red (during WiFi Tetris DS battles, anyway), but I could have used it as a makeshift PDA (or at least a notepad) by going into Pictochat and just chatting with myself. For about $150 I could get the ultimate accessory for my DS Lite and download an actual homebrew PDA program (DSOrganize), but I don't see why Nintendo doesn't just release actual PDA software for the DS. I don't really care for those Touch Generation "games," but at the end of the day, the DS's touch screen really does make the DS better than the PSP (widescreen LCD screen be damned).

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