Monday, March 4, 2024

ExtremeRate Joy-Con replacement shells for Nintendo Switch

Just did this mod myself. Highly, highly recommended over spending 2x or 3x for a pre-modded one on Etsy. If you can keep track of screws, you're in good shape. So just get an ice cube tray or something.

I'd say the d-pad is good / very good, if not a little stiff. It's better than the stock Joy-con, as good as the d-pads of the NDS and 3DS,  and as good as or better than the d-pad on the Vita (which everyone says it's "the best" but I think is only better than average). My test is, if I can rub out a Shoryuken without any effort at all, it's good, and this d-pad lets you do that. I had less success doing a Shoryu Reppa, so it's not as good as my favorite d-pads (PSP-3000 and PS4). But it's perfectly adequate for shmups. With a Pintendo grip or similar, you can shmup without compromise in handheld mode.

EDIT: Got another one by some professional modder (overpriced, don't do this) and the d-pad was even less stuff. But let me be clear: none of these give the Joy-con a pivot. I should've just gotten this 3D-printed one after all:

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