Thursday, December 5, 2019

Vita: 3.65 Enso goes away if you restore a memory card backup, and other thoughts

So that means installing h-encore and Enso again. And that means making a backup with h-encore already on there in the first place (preferably along with Enso, VitaShell, and Adrenaline).

More collected thoughts on Vita stuff:

Sometimes the Vita will report incorrect game file sizes, both from the LiveArea and in Content Manager. It's extremely possible that nothing is corrupt and that it's only a reading error. I've had a game listed in the kilobytes that still launched. I've also read the small reported file size is actually just the save file size, but no matter; the reading error may very well go away after a reboot. The Vita might get stuck in an endless transfer when backing up the small file sized game in Content Manager, though. Again, try rebooting before backing up if that's the case.

Where to put plugins? Technically you can put them "anywhere" but they're best in ur0:tai because it's internal and therefore the most stable place for plugins. (link)

Using both SD2Vita and game cartridges means having VitaShell on your actual, real Vita memory card, and for an easier time going forward (that is, dumping your own game cartridges), you want your actual memory card to be at least 8 GB to handle even the biggest cards, except for Phantasy Star Online 2 which is much larger at 11+ GB.

Specifically, you want to remount (via StorageMgr via Autoplugin) so that SD2Vita is now ux0 and your actual, real Vita memory card is uma0 (link) But don't even try to switch them until you have Autoplugin on both your memory card and SD2Vita as well. At this point if you kept getting prompted to update the system software or format upon a fresh bootup, go to Henkaku settings and spoof to the latest version number.

Once you remount, if you go back into VitaShell, you will see that ux0 reflects the full amount of your SD2Vita. The example here shows what these partitions were originally, for reference.

Is it possible to use both ux0 and uma0 for adrenaline?

Yes, and you might want to, despite there being a 100-game limit for ISOs... which is why you want to just use your PSN-bought eboots and that DRM-getting-arounder plugin from Autoplugin for Adrenaline.

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