I really don't have time to write this due to midterms... which is probably why I'm writing this right now. I'll probably expand on these when I have a term paper due the following day.
Around the time the quarter started (March 31 & April 1st), I volunteered for the Cherry Blossom Festival in Little Tokyo. There was food, fun, and excitement, but as a volunteer I barely experienced any of it. Some of the odd jobs they had me do included being a parking attendant (?)... maintainence... sitting around doing various kids craft stuff, directing traffic (kinda), handing out programs, moving fences, and being part of a fashion crew (...sorta). I regretted not bringing my iPod; I could have really caught up with my Penn Radio archives.
I decided to add a Jujitsu class on Fridays. It was the most attractive single-credit class available (and I needed 9 credits or more to remain president of the Japan Club, though I doubt anyone would have checked), but due to Cesar Chavez Day and Honors Convocation being on Friday, my class misses more days. It's really a great class...
Honors Convocation = not fun. I wisely decided to skip out on it the first time, but I thought my mom would want to see me attend, so I decided to go this time. Naturally, she wasn't able to go after all, but I only found out after I told them I would go. When I did go, they stuck us all in the stuffy basement of the gym where we all listened to some guy talk about some thing. I didn't see my name in the program / booklet, which made me wonder if me being there was a mistake. I learned later that there was a printing error (seems they were using last year's list, because I saw some names of people who graduated already). When I finally got my "award," it turned out to be a "temporary award," something only a few people ended up getting. Isn't that something?
My brother got a DS Lite (black) and a PSP (black) from some guy on Craigslist for $250, which was a steal. We're currently enjoying Clubhouse Games (for some reason, no one wants to play me in Tetris except my cousin), and the PSP... seems nice. Since we really do need the unpatched GTA to hack the firmware, he's going to check with someone he knows if he has it... otherwise we're just going to have to eBay for it.
I finished watching Welcome to the N.H.K. It really is "life-changing"... and I'm not one to throw around that phrase at just any anime I like. It has everything anyone could ever ask for in an anime (from a catchy opening theme song to laugh-out-loud comedy... and even some nudity for good measure), and it's definitely worth watching again and again. I'm just glad I was able to download it; I suspect no one grabbed the license because of the impossible-to-translate "N.H.K".
Around the time the quarter started (March 31 & April 1st), I volunteered for the Cherry Blossom Festival in Little Tokyo. There was food, fun, and excitement, but as a volunteer I barely experienced any of it. Some of the odd jobs they had me do included being a parking attendant (?)... maintainence... sitting around doing various kids craft stuff, directing traffic (kinda), handing out programs, moving fences, and being part of a fashion crew (...sorta). I regretted not bringing my iPod; I could have really caught up with my Penn Radio archives.
I decided to add a Jujitsu class on Fridays. It was the most attractive single-credit class available (and I needed 9 credits or more to remain president of the Japan Club, though I doubt anyone would have checked), but due to Cesar Chavez Day and Honors Convocation being on Friday, my class misses more days. It's really a great class...
Honors Convocation = not fun. I wisely decided to skip out on it the first time, but I thought my mom would want to see me attend, so I decided to go this time. Naturally, she wasn't able to go after all, but I only found out after I told them I would go. When I did go, they stuck us all in the stuffy basement of the gym where we all listened to some guy talk about some thing. I didn't see my name in the program / booklet, which made me wonder if me being there was a mistake. I learned later that there was a printing error (seems they were using last year's list, because I saw some names of people who graduated already). When I finally got my "award," it turned out to be a "temporary award," something only a few people ended up getting. Isn't that something?
My brother got a DS Lite (black) and a PSP (black) from some guy on Craigslist for $250, which was a steal. We're currently enjoying Clubhouse Games (for some reason, no one wants to play me in Tetris except my cousin), and the PSP... seems nice. Since we really do need the unpatched GTA to hack the firmware, he's going to check with someone he knows if he has it... otherwise we're just going to have to eBay for it.
I finished watching Welcome to the N.H.K. It really is "life-changing"... and I'm not one to throw around that phrase at just any anime I like. It has everything anyone could ever ask for in an anime (from a catchy opening theme song to laugh-out-loud comedy... and even some nudity for good measure), and it's definitely worth watching again and again. I'm just glad I was able to download it; I suspect no one grabbed the license because of the impossible-to-translate "N.H.K".
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