Friday, June 3, 2005

The crazy life of Triple Lei


Time for another one of those day-by-day reviews...


I don't remember doing a lot on Monday, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't doing what I probably should have been doing (i.e., homework and projects). I think I saw the k-movie Arahan (阿羅漢), though, thanks to Pearl back from JAPN 200A! I'm trying to watch all the movies I have now (instead of downloading, seeding, burning, and putting them away without watching like I normally do). I guess it's to make up for my beloved k-dramas that I've been missing... and I hear Super Rookie is really good too... ah well...


Now this was a crazy day. I had the third and final quiz of my ENGL 301 class, so of course I started studying in the morning (the class starts at 11:40, so I thought I would be okay).

More crazy was the fact that I somehow had the good sense to prepare and finish my project for JAPN 450. I woke up relatively early on Tuesday (around 7:00), and I could leave the house as late as 10:20 and still catch the two buses to school, I so thought I would work on my JAPN 450 presentation due "sometime this week." Because, hey, maybe I might have to go on Tuesday (we were at least two days off schedule), and I spent about $4.00 making copies of my handouts just in case... but when several of us gathered at the door, I learned the terrifying truth - we were ALL supposed to go that day! It was news to me and a lot of the class. We didn't have class on Thursday for some reason so no one could do a presentation that day (Sam suspects that the professor didn't show up to avoid evaluations, and the more I think about it, the more it makes sense). Presenting on the day of the final (the original plan) wasn't an option either because the professor gave that day to a guest speaker only she's excited about.

Anyway, I had an especially rough time presenting... I had to go up after a guy who was seriouslyarguing with the professor about his project and the linguistic theory of "monosemy" and the professor basically said "No! You're all wrong!"... fighting words, really... the class was dead silent... so when I got up, I was all "Umm... I'm doing monosemy"... and although it was probably the worst presentation I've ever done, I'm just glad that presentation (which is essentially the final... which is 20% of the grade) is over with. Seriously, everytime I come home from that class, I just want to curl up in a fetal position. Whatever college throws at me now has got to be easier than that nightmare!


What I should have been doing: Preparing for my JAPN 200C presentation.

What I was doing instead: Not preparing for my JAPN 200C presentation; specifically, playing Final Fantasy Tactics. All it took was reading a thread on one of the several forums I lurk at, and before you know it I was hooking up my DexDrive so I could hack my save to give my (Squire) Ramza abilities such as "Teleport 2" and "All Swordskill", both of which are just a handful of the several abilities only available to NPCs and bosses.

I don't really regret it though... FFT had a great storyline, not to mention great music, character design, and, oh yeah, gameplay. All it was missing was a versus mode, though apparently you can use a cheat device to control the computer, effectively making it a two-player game! Sadly, I can't do that because (1) I don't have my GameShark anymore, (2) I play my PS1 games on my PS2, and (3) I probably couldn't use my original PS1 even if I wanted to.

I ended up sleeping at around 3:00 am.

Here's a pic that does a good job describing the day. (I didn't make it, I just stole it from a forum)


I woke up at 7:00, started working on my JAPN 200C presentation, and left at about 10:25...

ENGL 301: All we did was get our quizzes back. I got an "A" despite a few mistakes.

ENGL 405: We got something for the final and left. Sweet.

JAPN 200C: I finally got around to showing Fioré the DVD (using Sam's laptop) and I also gave him all 25 episodes of 「新にほんごでくらそう」. As for the presentation...

For someone who, after promising not to do things until the last minute, waited until last minute to write and memorize a presentation, I don't think I did too badly. I know it wasn't the best, though. Mine was probably the shortest (on account of me speaking fast just to get it over with), and I didn't stumble over as many words as I thought I would, though I had to look at my script more than I wanted to. But I never liked these oral presentations... I could speak fine (I think), but memorizinglines is a bit too much. Isn't it enough that we memorized the grammar points?

You might have noticed that I only got about 4 hours of sleep between Wednesday and Thursday. Well, when I got home I turned on my computer and started my BitTorrent stuff (I always seed at least 125%), started my batch encodings on VirtualDub, and opened up WinMX just so I can hope I could download the other Kwon Sang-woo movies I haven't seen, and by 6:45 I was fast asleep... I woke up at around 1:20 today (it's 3:00 right now), I'm wide awake, and I still have to eat dinner, which may as well be breakfast.

It's surreal, but the final days of classes always are.

I'm still not sure when I'm going to Disneyland, though.

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