WipEout HD
- Buying the WipEout 2048 DLC from the JP store does not also give you the PS3 versions of WipEout HD and the Fury DLC for free, unlike the US and EU versions. Perhaps the offer was only PS3-to-Vita and not bidirectional.
- Installing the Japanese WipEout HD does not ask you to overwrite your US download of the game, unlike the EU (well, UK) version. The JP version of the game will also not have Japanese text by default; your PS3's language settings must be set to it.
- If you're on your JP account and you've played through some of the US version of the game, when you play on the JP version of the game, your save data is not cross-compatible. However, you do share the trophy list, so you can't get two platinum trophies from playing through the US and JP versions of the game.