I bought two nice-looking copies of the game on eBay (which in retrospect should've been a tell right there), and I received them yesterday. Looking closely at the lettering on the back confirms they're not authentic.
But I ain't even mad because verified legit copies of this game are hard to find and expensive as all hell. I place the blame squarely on Atlus for only making like 17 copies and not even making the game available for the Wii U Virtual Console.
In fact I don't even trust those boxed copies you'd see from time to time on eBay. And in the age of EverDrives, this is as far as I'm willing to go.
Anyone know what the authentic cartridge label looks like? I've seen two on eBay:
The code on my copies is AGB-BDDE-USA.
The other one I've seen on Google seems to have a different code, and it has Jimmy (from the box art) on the right of the label.