Monday, September 21, 2015

So I made my own RJ-45 cable.

Kind of a big deal to me, anyway...

Long story short, get yourself the more expensive Ideal brand (YouTube demo) because it is absolutely goddammed impossible to get the wires in the proper slots otherwise. They're about $18 for 25, which is really all anyone needs. I got 100 of the regular kind for $10 and I can't use any of them.

Some more tips:

  • Try to keep the exposed wires 1 inch, no more, no less. With some cables (particularly Nintendo), the first and last slots can be extremely difficult to thread the wire through, so if you  want to "give up" with one wire at one end, you can just push the sled into the main piece and it'll still look and crimp OK. 
  • If you can't thread the wire through the liner hole, strip the wire and thread the copper, then pull. I used to be afraid it would pull the copper from the connector end and it wouldn't work anymore, but that hasn't been a problem.
  • If the wires go through easily (like when I was using the USB cable that came with my Mad Catz FightStick), the wires can actually shift holes in the liner if you're not careful. Best to start with shorter wires (1 inch, or maybe 3 centimeters tops) and thread carefully.
  • To ensure the crimping really does keep the thicker insulated cable in place, consider wrapping that part of the cable in electrical tape before inserting and crimping. 

Is it RJ-45 or RJ45? I dunno.