I'm having a problem right now with capturing; with my last capture, the HDMI video output was just fine, but when I played back the video raw, there was no audio. Now I can't capture anything. A full reset of the DVR briefly brought back a picture, but as soon as I selected another window, the picture went away again.
So, I went to the Blackmagic support page. I thought I'd look for updates to Media Express or the Intensity Pro itself, and sure enough, I found them. Here's one nice update for people wanting to record their PSP in 480p (even though cool people like me already bought a scaler for 720p and zooming in anyway)...
Intensity 3.9.4 for WindowsDate Added: 05 January 2011What's new in Intensity 3.9.4Support for 480p/60 capture with Media Express 2.3 with Intensity Pro
Instead of Media Express, there's "Desktop Video," which I'll get around to downloading later because my brother is watching something on Netflix.
EDIT: Even after upgrading the driver to 3.9.4 (which also requires a firmware update for the card), I still can't use that new Desktop Video thing. At least Media Express 2.3 works the same, if not a bit better (the picture popped up in the capture preview much quicker).
EDIT: I still can't record PSP's 480p output directly with the Intensity Pro... maybe because it's 720x480 and not 640x480? Why can my friend do it directly with his Intensity Shuttle? And forget about the new firmware or whatever making the picture appear quicker.
EDIT (2011-08-03): Yesterday I tried to connect my PSP to that old 480p TV via component and it wouldn't display - I'd only get wavy lines. It did display when I kept component but switched from interlaced to progressive on my PSP. So I guess 480p and "720x480 in progressive" are pretty different... but 480i is always 640x480.
EDIT (2015-02-19): Whoops, forgot: actually, that TV mentioned above was only 480i, so of course I'd get wavy lines trying progressive.
EDIT (2015-02-19): Whoops, forgot: actually, that TV mentioned above was only 480i, so of course I'd get wavy lines trying progressive.