Yeah... I'm not a huge fan of his or anything, and I don't own any of his albums, and it was all too easy to make fun of him for the past 15 years... but Jesus-goddammit-to-hell, the man could sing and dance. There's no denying his earlier works were perfection.
Maybe it was the article on 9 Foreign Rip-Offs Cooler Than The Hollywood Originals that eventually led me to search for MJ's stuff on YouTube, but I was pleasantly surprised to find what was there.
Thriller was released right around the time I was born (would have been cooler if it was released on the day I was born... you know, Halloween), and it's still his most popular music video. The most popular music video. It's still making waves, and I might just end up grabbing the anniversary album, or at least the mp3, on Amazon. I wouldn't be surprised to find the vinyl album already in my parent's stack of records, though.
So, fan or not, enjoy these links on YouTube - preferably in order:
Michael Jackson - Thriller (the original)
"Thriller"... with Legos
Indian Thriller
Indian Thriller with English Lyrics!
Ulala Saves Michael Jackson
Space Channel 5 Part 2 - Report 4-2: Rescue Space Michael
Space Channel 5 Michael Jackson vs. India michael [ India Thriller ]
michael jackson first ever moonwalk (apparently our Ed Sullivan moment)
Michael Jackson Pepsi Commercial (featuring a young Carlton Banks)
Maybe it was the article on 9 Foreign Rip-Offs Cooler Than The Hollywood Originals that eventually led me to search for MJ's stuff on YouTube, but I was pleasantly surprised to find what was there.
Thriller was released right around the time I was born (would have been cooler if it was released on the day I was born... you know, Halloween), and it's still his most popular music video. The most popular music video. It's still making waves, and I might just end up grabbing the anniversary album, or at least the mp3, on Amazon. I wouldn't be surprised to find the vinyl album already in my parent's stack of records, though.
So, fan or not, enjoy these links on YouTube - preferably in order:
Michael Jackson - Thriller (the original)
"Thriller"... with Legos
Indian Thriller
Indian Thriller with English Lyrics!
Ulala Saves Michael Jackson
Space Channel 5 Part 2 - Report 4-2: Rescue Space Michael
Space Channel 5 Michael Jackson vs. India michael [ India Thriller ]
michael jackson first ever moonwalk (apparently our Ed Sullivan moment)
Michael Jackson Pepsi Commercial (featuring a young Carlton Banks)