Tuesday, July 19, 2005

A pleasant turn of events...



Well hey, it turns out my week wasn't so bad after all.

That new Gackt single (Metamorphoze) with the limited edition Zeta Gundam stuff? Awesome.

That English quiz I was worried about? Turns out I did get a "B". Not bad for only 10 minutes of last-minute studying.

That English paper? Done. I seem to outdo myself everytime: I finished rereading the story at 1:20 am... got 1 hour of sleep... then 3 hours of sleep. Then I started at about 6:00 am and finished at 10:00 am! Right now I'm feeling great because it's the longest possible time before another paper!

Another quiz that was supposed to be today was postponed until Thursday. Sweetness.

I finally sat down and actually started watching my downloaded dramas. Mars is freaking cool - much better than any of the other manga-based dramas I've seen before, Full House included. And that main guy looks cool (can't say "hot" because I'm a guy)... in fact I'm pretty sure that was the look I was going for with my long hair a year ago:

And last but not least, through some happy coincidence (or perhaps a special alignment of the stars), I bumped into Pearl again, and she looked even better than I remembered... I mean, I knew I missed her (and, uh, the rest of the people in our Japanese class...), but wow. I missed her even when I was with her, looking at her. (It's a good thing she doesn't read my LJ or I'd be in trouble! )

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Summer classes


[music|kagrra - 桜花爛漫(おうからんまん)]

It's already midterms so I'm going to write a bit about my classes:

Monday & Wednesday

ENGL 305, English Grammar and Usage: This was supposed to be the "easy" class this quarter. The professor is really laid-back, and for the first few weeks we didn't really do anything because the books weren't available yet. The material at first was pathetically easy (come on, I know what the passive voice is already...), but it was a little harder each day - certainly not hard enough to make me want to buckle down and study everyday, though. So when first (of three) quizzes came along, it turns out to be surprisingly hard - I'll be lucky if I got a "B"!

ENGL 200B, British Literature Survey: The best thing I can say about this class is that I now know for sure that I don't want to aim for that double major in Japanese and English, because even though I consciously make sure my written sentences are error-free, and I don't do too badly on written papers either... I don't care about literature at all. That means that I'm just going for the minor in Comparative Linguistics... which also means that I don't even need this class! I'd drop this class too (I already dropped that BS "ENGL 441, Major Critics" class), except I need 12 credits. But it's not just the class material I hate... I hate pretty much everyone in the class! Now, if I may be allowed to make broad, purely superficial generalizations: we have two annoying over-achievers who clearly need to be told that finishing a whole book doesn't prove anything. And then there are these two guys that make me want to tear my ears off - their voices are so annoying! I seriously want to punch them in the neck or the stomach just so they would speak differently, if only for a second. Adding to that, there's another guy sitting next to me that has more hair on his arms than I do on my entire body... SO FREAKIN' GROSS!!! The professor is left-handed and has this odd habit of writing things upward at a 45 degree angle and I'm always having to tilt my head... what the heck is up with that?? (not that I have anything against left-handed people... in fact, someone who I may or may not admit to liking is left-handed...) And as for the rest of the people in the class: I don't know them, but I'm pretty sure they're jerks too. The 40-year-old+ crowd is okay, though. (and I know I'm not looking forward to the paper due on Monday at all...)

Tuesday & Thursday

ANTH 470, Language and Culture: I had this professor before for ENGL 401 and he was great, so taking this class was a no-brainer. I even saw some of my buddies from ENGL 401, so that's cool. The only thing bad is that girl who gets on EVERYONE's nerves (who was also in ENGL 401) by interrupting lectures and asking very tangential questions... it's probably something you could only understand if you spent weeks in a class with her, and you really don't want that.

To summarize: my summer sucks. It's the complete opposite of Disneyland. And I miss my 4-day weekends. The fall quarter can't come quick enough... serenity now!