Monday, May 2, 2005

See you in hell, spider


Question: Is there ever a good time to see a spider?

The answer, apparently, is no.

I opened my door and saw something black in the corner of my eye. I turned around and I saw the biggest spider I've seen in quite some time, right in front of my face. I tried to trap it so I could smack it but that didn't do any good, so I had to find some sort of anti-spider spray. Well, at least now I know that you can kill spiders with cologne, though that little bastard took most of the bottle! I delivered the final blow (with one of my mom's shoes), but I still had to clean up the legs it left behind.

I don't like thinking about spiders any more than I have to, so here's something better to look at:

(I'm not sure if this was the best pic I could have posted, but I'm still pretty dizzy from all that cologne)